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Optimize new hire training and accelerate performance.

Solution: New-hire training and onboarding

Get new hires up and running as fast as possible while understanding the levels of confidence and competence each new employee has from day one.  Personalize the learning experience so that it is relevant and engaging, taking into account exactly what each new hire does or does not know to perform their role and rapidly become a productive team member.  As new employees are ramping up, provide their instructors, trainers, and supervisors with real-time insights and dashboards to further boost new hire learning and job performance.


Common Onboarding Challenges

New-hire training is high stakes for everyone involved. Speed to competence is a top priority to maximize productivity while ensuring new employees deliver on your customer promise. Retaining new hires is important because employee turnover is expensive with costs to replace an employee ranging from one-half to  two times annual salary. Employees themselves can feel overwhelmed and lack confidence when training moves at a one-size-fits-all pace. Most employees don’t feel their onboarding experience was great, hurting their engagement and commitment levels. 

Lengthy Ramp-Up Times

Need to improve speed to competency and knowledge retention to make new hires productive sooner.

Not Knowing What They Know

Supervisors are often uncertain whether new employees have learned what they need to know to perform their new roles competently and with confidence.

Learning Not Measured or Tracked

Insufficient or non-existent learning data in realtime to measure learning or track progress makes it difficult for trainers or supervisors to know where to focus their energies to aid new employees to accelerate their performance. 

Legacy Learning Model is Stale

Need to modernize the onboarding learning experience to be engaging and personalized for new employees across all the learning modalities.

One-Size-Fits-All Fits No One

The current approach to new hire onboarding is dissatisfying for all stakeholders proving to be inefficient, not consistently or effectively equipping each new employee with the knowledge and skills they need to perform their role expediently.

Poor Engagement

New employees feeling overwhelmed with the amount of knowledge they need to learn or frustrated by lack of feedback or new remote employees not getting grounded or connected with their co-workers can lead to poor engagement. 

New Hire Training Essentials

Create a connection between your new employees and the organization with a personalized and engaging training and onboarding experience that includes:

Onboarding Journey Maps

Mapping the onboarding journey to guide employees on their path to early success and growth.

Personalized Experience

Providing a personalized onboarding experience that respects prior knowledge and speeds time to competency.

Competency Assurance

Measuring progress to be confident that employees are ready to perform when onboarding is complete.

Seamless Experience

Blending self-led and live/virtual experiences to ensure engagement and help new employees build their support network.

Feedback Loops

Gathering feedback to ensure the experience is positive and ensure employees are confident.

Ongoing Learning

Transitioning from onboarding to ongoing learning seamlessly as employees begin day-to-day work.

Keys to Onboarding Success

Realizeit helps you deliver a personalized onboarding experience that ensures employees are competent and ready for their new roles. Just as important, employee engagement will grow as they see how the organization cares about them as individuals and is serious about their success and growth. When Realizeit's adaptive intelligent learning system is added to any learning ecosystem, personalized onboarding is possible for any size organization. To get a feel for what new hire training/onboarding is like with Realizeit, read on. 

GPS for Onboarding and Learning

Diagram representing the GPS for onboarding and learning
  • Get your new hires comfortable with an onboarding learning map that puts them in control right away.
  • Enable new hires to take greater agency over their learning journey.
  • Allow each new hire to see their own progress, spot challenge areas, adjust, and see what’s next.
  • Lay out just what new hires need to get started without overloading them with too much information.

Adaptive Intelligence Engine

Two panels indicating learner profiles
  • Personalize the entire onboarding process through multiple levels of AI-powered adaptivity.
  • Adapt to a new employee’s prior knowledge and show that you respect each individual’s unique experience.
  • Optimize speed to competency while ensuring each employee is fully prepared.
  • Adapt to employee’s roles, location, and other learning context so learning is relevant and efficient.

Assess Progress Accurately

Mockup of exam for safety practices
  • Deliver learning progress information to leaders, instructors, and coaches via personalized portals.
  • Know exactly what your new hires know and what they don’t know with precision.
    From self-led eLearning assessments to virtual and in-person coaching reviews and check-ins.
  • Assess new hires’ strengths across a variety of assessment approaches.

Gather Feedback and Communicate

Mockup of question that illustrates Realizeit's system for gathering feedback
  • Integrate feedback as part of the journey through surveys and discussion boards.
  • Know how your employees feel and what suggestions they have for improving the experience.
  • Mark progress with live, one-on-one coaching sessions using onboarding rubrics you design.
  • Enable cohort discussions and help employees build valuable initial contacts even when onboarding remotely.

Actionable Analytics

Mockup of analytics for learners' achievements
  • Analytics gathered from your onboarding modules become a real-time precise measure of what learning has taken place.
  • Understand each learner’s progress in detail and identify specific areas for live coaching.
  • Access metrics from assessments down to the question level.
  • Analyze survey feedback to improve the onboarding process.

Blended Learning Experience

Mockup of a collaborative learning session on kidney functions
  • Deliver learning in all modalities, from self-led to instructor-led and shoulder-to-shoulder training.
  • Provide varied approaches to maximize engagement and solidify new-hire commitment even when remote.
  • Onboard on the go, in the flow of work, enabling learning in bite-sized chunks from anywhere.
  • Ensure everyone makes progress by including personalized interactions such as one-on-one coaching.

Tools to Manage Onboarding Knowledge

Representation of a diagram that indicates onboarding knowledge
  • Create a single source of truth for all new-hire training needs.
  • Efficiently manage versioning of specific context variations (location, language, division, etc.).
  • Automate instant updates to employees who need to know as modifications are made.
  • Ensure the right employees have reviewed and learned all training updates with far less effort.

Integrate Onboarding into Ongoing Learning

A woman answering a question on the Realizeit platform
  • After initial training, integrate progress made automatically with follow-on learning to seamlessly enable career growth.
  • All training and knowledge is searchable for performance support to enable learning at time of need.
  • Automated knowledge reinforcement ensures learning is retained in the flow of work.
  • Learning updates are triggered automatically to keep employees current as onboarding content is revised.

Explore Other Solutions

Start in one solution area and expand into others when ready to personalize more learning experiences.

New Hire Training/Onboarding

Deliver the best onboarding experience that shows employees you are serious about their success. 

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Invest in your employees as you help them upskill and reskill more effectively and efficiently with a personalized approach.

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Compliance Training

Move beyond check-the-box compliance training to ensure competence in important internal skills and ways of working.

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Product Training

Enable product knowledge workers to perform at their peak potential with training that adapts to them.

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Cross Training

Cross-trained employees are more engaged as they learn related skills tailored to their experience, increasing their value to the team.

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Visit us at Booth #1119!

Realizeit To Showcase Business-Critical Training Powered by AI at ATD24 Conference and EXPO

Realizeit will participate at the ATD24 International Conference and EXPO to showcase how companies can train their most business-critical roles, including those skills that have a direct impact on safety, company performance, and customer satisfaction.