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Move beyond compliance training to competency assurance.

Solution: Compliance to Competence

Let's admit it, no one really likes "compliance training" except maybe the companies who sell content for it.  With intelligent adaptivity you can go beyond conventional models and produce evidence of each employee's requisite knowledge for all stakeholders in a way that is personalized and more engaging for the employee.  Shifting from a completion-based compliance model to one that assures competency will yield incremental value because it is no longer a rote activity but an exercise that builds skills and confidence naturally in the flow of work.


Challenges With Compliance Training

Compliance training is a challenge because it is typically delivered as one-size-fits-all content that fails to engage the learner due to it not being particularly timely or relevant. The value and importance of mandatory training is often lost on the learner with this monolithic approach which often just scratches the surface once a year. The result is risk of costly mistakes as employees rush to complete learning they perceive to be of low value.

From the company’s perspective, one-size-fits-all compliance training appears efficient at scale, but in the end, leaders remain in the dark and live with increased risk because they don't actually know what each employee does or does not know.

One-size-fits-all fits no one

Compliance training in large-scale operations seems like a natural use of a one-size-fits-all training model, and yet some companies continue to experience uncomfortable levels of risk due to non-compliance.  A better learning model is needed.  

Measuring completions instead of competency

Tracking completions is an easy way to check-the-box but it is an insufficient way of evidence knowledge or skills.  

Added risk from ineffective training

Risk management is a real thing which is why Compliance training is a staple for large companies - more so if you are in a highly regulated industry.  Underneath compliance is competence.  Compliance is really about Competency Assurance.  Errors on the job or failures to comply with regulations or policies are costly to the business in terms of brand reputation, safety to customers or employees, regulatory violations, etc.

Poor knowledge retention

Knowledge conveyed through Compliance training is often not well retained because it is one-and-done.  Compliance training materials are often difficult to access or reference downstream when needed and may be hard to use unless they are easily accessible in context at the moment of need.

Compliance updates are inefficient

When updates or changes to protocols or processes are needed to remain compliant to internal or external standards, it is often time-consuming and inefficient because one-size-fits-all tactics are used to distribute updates. In many cases, only select employee groups or individuals in certain types of roles need to be updated. This is very difficult to manage and verify with conventional Compliance Training models.  

Compliance Essentials

Transform mandatory compliance training from rote, one-size-fits-all tasks to personalized, competency-building exercises that support performance when you incorporate the following essential components:

Reinforce knowledge more frequently

Automatically reinforce vital knowledge critical to compliant operations more than once a year.  Leverage microlearning moments personalized to context and timing to ensure skills remain current.

Make compliance easy to recall

It should be easy to recall and refresh requisite knowledge for compliance. When essential knowledge is required at the point of need it is important that employees have easy access to reference or learning materials.

Evidence that frontline staff are compliant

Operational leaders and team supervisors benefit from knowing whether their team members are or are not certified or compliant day to day and week to week. Provide compliance status on real-time dashboards to better manage risk.

Keys to Compliance Training Success

Realizeit enables you to deliver personalized, adaptive compliance training grounded in competence, not completion so employees efficiently learn (or refresh) compliance skills and incorporate them for on-the-job success. When Realizeit's adaptive intelligent learning system is added to any learning ecosystem, personalized compliance training is possible for any size organization. To get a feel for what compliance training is like with Realizeit, read on. 

GPS for Compliance Learning

Mockup of a graph indicating course completion
  • Provide a personalized compliance learning plan for each learner.
  • Show how compliance learning is interrelated with the entire learning journey.
  • Visual feedback helps learners view progress, focus on challenges, and see what’s next, helping to keep them engaged.

Adaptive Intelligence Engine

Mockup of a page indicating learner profiles
  • Optimize speed to competency while ensuring each employee has built the requisite skills.
  • Adapt compliance training to employees' roles, location, context, and prior knowledge so learning is relevant.

Automated Skills Reinforcement

Mockup of a learner profile page indicating areas of struggle
  • Deliver learning reinforcement through bite-sized refreshers that keep important concepts accessible.
  • Quiz content is pulled automatically from the core training materials.
  • The intelligence engine selects relevant knowledge to refresh based on factors such as knowledge gaps and length of time since last reviewed.

Performance Support

Mockup of a discussion page on food safety
  • Support learning when new skills are used.
  • Access compliance training content via the learning GPS for effective recall.
  • Provide an intelligent search for all learning content that brings the likely content to the forefront at time of need.
  • Log questions on content that feed back to content developers.

Automated Compliance Updates

Mockup of a Realizeit panel indicating learner progress in a food safety course
  • Stay compliant by automating the process of distributing and retesting on changes and new information.
  • Keep employees current in the flow of work as compliance content is revised throughout the year.
  • Reduce the need for costly and ineffective live updates on changes.
  • Know for certain that changes have been reviewed and understood.

Actionable Analytics

Mockup of a Realizeit panel indicating student progress analytics
  • Analytics gathered from your compliance modules become a precise measure of what learning has taken place.
  • Understand each learner’s progress in detail and identify specific areas for live coaching.
  • Access metrics from assessments down to the question level.
  • Analyze survey feedback to improve the compliance training process.

Based on our deep experience with LMS' and other learning systems, we were thinking we'd have to build a proprietary system ourselves to meet our needs... then we met Realizeit. Everyone else had pieces. Realizeit was the only one with an end-to-end solution and the ability to shape their technology to deliver everything we needed.

Senior Executive, Training Innovation at Fortune 50 Public Company

Explore Other Solutions

Start in one solution area and expand into others when ready to personalize more learning experiences.

New Hire Training/Onboarding

Deliver the best onboarding experience that shows employees you are serious about their success. 

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Invest in your employees as you help them upskill and reskill more effectively and efficiently with a personalized approach.

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Compliance Training

Move beyond check-the-box compliance training to ensure competence in important internal skills and ways of working.

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Product Training

Enable product knowledge workers to perform at their peak potential with training that adapts to them.

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Cross-trained employees are more engaged as they learn related skills tailored to their experience, increasing their value to the team.

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It’s time to make training and development essential.

With machine learning, personalized training and learning, linked to performance is not only possible, it’s here — Now.

Visit us at Booth #1119!

Realizeit To Showcase Business-Critical Training Powered by AI at ATD24 Conference and EXPO

Realizeit will participate at the ATD24 International Conference and EXPO to showcase how companies can train their most business-critical roles, including those skills that have a direct impact on safety, company performance, and customer satisfaction.